Riska Amelia Putri


Anastasya Narwastu Tety Handuran@N_TasyaJKT48

kangen banget kalo ada kegiatan all member gini, soalnya bisa pulang bareng jeji lala yori! gemes banget yori sekarang lagi ketiduran di pundak aku 😢😪

cerita juga dong little things that makes you happy! hehe good night 💞 pic.twitter.com/fpxwtFc1MS

  1. Ariella Calista Ichwan@C_ArielJKT48

    @N_TasyaJKT48 I drank boba tea and that was make me happy. How about you ? @R_AmelJKT48

  2. Riska Amelia Putri@R_AmelJKT48

    @C_ArielJKT48 @N_TasyaJKT48 Im breakfast yellow rice with egg suwir-suwir and ouwreck tempe. So happy. pic.twitter.com/PhKr4sweJz

Kandiya R. Maulidita@R_IndyJKT48

coba deh nge tweet pake autotext yg ada di ur phone

cth hasil:
and all of that is that you are a great friend of that person

ngerti gak? pic.twitter.com/fnsJV5GQkA

  1. Shalza Grasita@G_ShalzaJKT48

    @R_IndyJKT48 Sorry and I don't want to see the way a day and I am going back and do a lot to you and I got it on your phone on the one for you and it I don't want you and I got a car for me

  2. Shania Gracia@S_GraciaJKT48

    @R_IndyJKT48 So it was a good day to get some rest tonight haha 😂

  3. Gabriel Angelina@G_BrielleJKT48

    @R_IndyJKT48 I have to say this game was awesome and it is fun and it was fun and fun but the game was ok for the price but the way it was to be the first game you can see the way it was worth the wait for it and the way you get it and the game was ok 👌

  4. Aninditha Cahyadi@R_AninJKT48

    @R_IndyJKT48 the autotext can't even suggest a word they can explain how I feel about ☹️🤣

  5. Anastasya Narwastu Tety Handuran@N_TasyaJKT48

    @R_IndyJKT48 sedih bats pen ikutan zuzur biar hitz tp hp gue gaada autotextnya 😭

  6. Riska Amelia Putri@R_AmelJKT48

    @G_BrielleJKT48 @R_IndyJKT48 I can show you the world.Shining, shimmering splendid.Tell me, princess, now when did.You last let your heart decide?