when i stand before God at the end of my life. i would hope that i wouldn't have a single bit of talent left.
"i used everything u gave me"
by the way, maaf baru share ya. thanks giftnya! aku suka semua >w< love you all❤️☺️😘 pic.twitter.com/Pf0TIlFOy3
Biar kalian tambah semangat nih ada photo sama dede cimittku @M_GraceJKT48 😘😘💓 pic.twitter.com/RGki1OEGfi
ontheway latihan:p semangat yess!
jangan lupa sama ibadahnya ya mit:*
kacamata baru❤️💋 so lovely. thanks!! pic.twitter.com/RAugge86JE