WOMEN!! ATTENTION!! WOMEEEN!! READ THIS. PLEASE. "Purging vs Breakout vs Allergic vs Irritation : skinacea.com/faq/acne/a05-p… "
Well...I can conclude dat I just starting to breakout. ........mom! I told yooouuu
Hidup menjadi seorang wanita selalu diiringi oleh pencarian pelabuhan terakhir akan skincare yg tepat. .....Suramat Morgen.
ngok.. @itsWillyFerrell: My bunny died. Now he's just some bunny that I used to know."
Kenapa kulit wajah tidak setangguh kulit tubuh lainnya ya... tangan kaki pake losyen beres. mukak? salah pelembab abis dah.. #hvft
"Bro..I'm tired.." "No. No you're not. You just lazy. I'm working 12 hours a day and ain't even complain bout dat. " "....b--but... ..."
Complaining conversation with my bro will be complicated. Really miss my bro lah........ MEH. just kidding. ...... :v
Bwahahahahahahah @pewdiepie: I just googled to see what "Yaoi hands" was. No more internet for a week."