How I love Superman from Justice League and Thor from Marvel. And how I love to think that they are the leader. #NotTheirFanButStill
Siang semuanya~ apa kabaaar??? Sudah belanja ke Lawson belom?? Kemaren saya sudah loooh... Never get bored for their cheese sausage heheh
What if...they make an epic battle..of.. Justice League and The Avengers..??
Pendapatmu ttg Ben Affleck Batman?? Meh kalo bkn 9gag saya ga akan tau soal ini. Tp..saya biasa aja tau mau nanggep kek apa. Eheheh
Superman aktornya beda2... Spiderman juga.. James bond juga.... :v jd yaaaah... Berharap aja semoga dia mjd Batman yg baik dan manis :v ngok
Iya sih..mungkin karna imejnya udah melekat bgt ya..... Coba deh Captain Jack Sparrow diganti..............Ga deh. Jgn dibayangin ya sodara2
Aaanndd I really want to watch the expendables! Ada yg sudah nntn?? Bagus gak?? Eheeheh di expendables 2 katanya semua aktor laga legkap loh
Why do you like action movies?? Bikos the part of cerita cinta-cintaan nya cuma little bit. Jadi lau mengerti lah yaaa...
Sullivaaaannn!!! U shud take a rest before working at Monster Inc tommorooow!! ..haha thanks for the gip yaaaah ;D
....kalau blm ke share berarti blm nyampeee :( nanti dicarikan yaaaaw~ gutnet *poof* *ngilang*