I heard u guys already watch the show?
I'm sorry I couldn't make it.
Saya sudah mencoba semampu saya. Saya sedih tp saya tidak berkecil hati.
Its all abt the golden experiences and lessons dat I should cherish
Saya bersyukur karna Tuhan tlh memberikan kesempatan.
Skg saatnya unt belajar lbh banyak lg!
So no need to worry and keep movin forward ;D
Noella Sisterina@Noella_JKT48 Yes! RT @Novinta_JKT48: Saya bersyukur krn Tuhan tlh memberikan kesempatan. Skg saatnya unt belajar lbh banyak lg!
keep movin forward ;D”
Terimakasih atas perhatian kalian ya ;D
Please keep supporting me and the girls!
Feel the The Wizard Of Oz audition experiences with me! ;D