tasya ☀️


tasya ♡@gudetasya

Just a little sharing ya jadi at some point of my life (around 2019an) I have been suffering a lot on my body image. Gue inget banget pernah ngeshare kayak ginian di 2nd ig gue out of frustation pic.twitter.com/7kGVzHY8Vm

  1. tasya ♡@gudetasya

    Gue hampir selalu benci difoto dan buat ngaca pun gue merasa gasudi gitu ngeliat my own reflection. Disaat2 itu kalo ada yang tau struggle gue pasti komennya cuma “ah lu mah gak bersyukur bgt sih” yang bikin gw constantly felt pressured all the time

  2. tasya ♡@gudetasya

    Sampe akhirnya gue pernah di titik yang kalo pergi makan, pasti habis itu gue buru2 pamit bilangnya mau ke toilet padahal pasti ujung2nya gue muntahin lagi. Berefek untuk bbrp saat gue udah bener2 lose appetite, nyium bau makanan aja mual, kayak takut sama foods gitu?? :(

  3. tasya ♡@gudetasya

    No one really knows sih but it’s the lowest point of my life sebelum akhirnya gue ngegym dan mulai perbaikin pola makan lagi, also accepting my own self. Jadi apa ya ngeliat komen si “so-called-influencer” tuh really really triggering and disgusting 🥴🤢

tasya ♡@gudetasya

So my intake is yes, I am responsible for MY OWN insecurities but at the same time it is also very endearing to see various body types are now being promoted and socialized. It comforts a lot of people, including me, to see not only one twitter.com/gudetasya/stat…

tasya ♡

No one really knows sih but it’s the lowest point of my life sebelum akhirnya gue ngegym dan mulai perbaikin pola makan lagi, also accepting my own self. Jadi apa ya ngeliat komen si “so-called-influencer” tuh really really triggering and disgusting 🥴🤢

  1. tasya ♡@gudetasya

    stereotypical body standards to be projected. And honestly I didn’t see anything wrong with it, why is see so pressed… and the way she denies all the accusations. Lol. 🙄