Novinta Dhini


Novinta Dhini@Novinta_JKT48

Mau dibawain aps dr bali?
Ap aja...kalo bs pulaunya sekalian biar w gausah susa2 plg *sobs*

I ship you wiiith---

Novinta Dhini@Novinta_JKT48

Ada niat bikin project?
Sm mb....dan mb...
Sudah direncanakan dr lama sekali.
Dan akn di realisasikan pd saat HS.
Knp lama?
Sibuk nguli

Novinta Dhini@Novinta_JKT48

Wht is the one theatrical song dat you like the most?
Ugh..I dnt knw much abt this.
But my coach show me this song from Cats dat really good

Novinta Dhini@Novinta_JKT48

You seem so fun on sosmed! Wat abt in real life??
No mate.
Ye don wanna kno
Im..awkward n seem no frenly
But am actually kind hearted ;)

Novinta Dhini@Novinta_JKT48

Band yg disuka?
Unt skg laruku sm Mr.Big

Gmn caranya biar ga grogi saat tampil teater?
Bruh. I acty hv dis horrible panic attack --- (1)

Novinta Dhini@Novinta_JKT48

Yer inspiration?
Surprisingly...I hv no idea.
I hv so many idols to praise.
But get inspired...uh..Still found no one. Cant choose.

Novinta Dhini@Novinta_JKT48

Yer MR.BIG fav songs?
Goin where the wind blows!
Im still new for being their fan..
Sometimes Im wishing living in the era when they're big