If I was the music, would you be the dancer?😛 pic.twitter.com/RQahhYzhKD
If I was the student, would you be the teacher?🤓 pic.twitter.com/BbsizjgZs1
Ketiduran.. Tadinya mau beli makan siang eh nempel dikasur dikit udah tidur aja😄😅
Ya jadi intinya blm makan siang, enaknya makan apa ya?
The eyes are the window to your soul.👀❤️
instagram.com/p/BFOhvrIrS5j/ pic.twitter.com/DyFrw8rKgo
Done for today ! 😊🍭💕
Keep support our team ya? ;)
#TeamMintUHA 🍃
@R_AninJKT48 pic.twitter.com/0QGqLENVaE
Happy birthday lisaaa! Panjang umur dan sehat selalu😊😊Semangat terus yaaaaa~ @Elisabeth_JKT48 #HBD16thLisaJKT48