Graciella Ruth Wiranto


Graciella Ruth Wiranto@R_CielJKT48

almost forget that i have to start the English Week!! im using English from today to sunday..

note : if u guys can't write english, u can do it with bahasa. but, don't use it with bahasa and english at the same time. Okkk?

  1. Angelina Christy@A_ChristyJKT48

    @R_CielJKT48 Whaaa bahasa and english cant be mixed? *tersindir* WKWKW OKAY GOT IT👌😂

Graciella Ruth Wiranto@R_CielJKT48

just finished the English exam today. it's pretty cool cause im moving to Jakarta just for an exam🤣. Now im on my way to meet pph hoho, i'll continue practice at night.

Graciella Ruth Wiranto@R_CielJKT48

happy birthday kak Frieska!! wishing u all the bestt!❣️🥳✨ @frieskaJKT48 #FUNXDiarySpeciaLove23FRSK…


Selamat ulang tahun @frieskaJKT48!
Setlist baru, umur baru, semangat baru! Semoga lancar ya skripsinya dan dimudahkan sampai lulus nanti. Mau foto kaya gimana pun tetep cantik kok!

  1. Frieska Anastasia@frieskaJKT48

    @R_CielJKT48 thankyouuu cieelll, ditunggu sonichinya 😘 udah lama ga mc sama ciel 😜