Ratu Vienny@itskindavienny

It’s weird that the most wholesome conversation you had in months beside my husband was with random stranger you met in nursing room @ hospital. It is strange, kinda sad, but somewhat beautiful knowing that I have “friends” helping me getting through this phase. 🥹🤍

Feni Fitriyanti@F_FeniJKT48

buat yang tanya birthday t-shirt,
Ini aku pakai ukuran XL yaa ehe
warna t-shirt nya cream pink
(warna kaya di foto)
bisa diorder sampai tanggal 9 januari^^!~

tokopedia.link/BiENCSQW8vb pic.twitter.com/16cPah87sO

  1. Michelle Christo@michelleeeck99

    @F_FeniJKT48 Asik cakepnya temenku yg satu ini, tolong chat saya dibales jangan di read doang luv😭🫶🏻